Sunday, October 23, 2005

I love Sundays

I love Sundays.... especially in the fall. I make a pot of chili and some cornbread. We watch football all afternoon - even though our Titan's keep loosing! Today Adam even watched it with us. It was so nice having him home for a change; we talked about his upcoming college choices and what he wants to do in the future. Then Nikki came over for a while and I baked them some cookies. Amie and Lillie stopped by and Papa Joe read to Lillie. Christian came home from shopping. My whole family was together for about 30 minutes and it felt so good. I needed that closeness with them. I miss them.

1 comment:

Sonia said...

Let me know when you decide to make that chilli and cornbread again....I might have to pop over. LOL. I'm glad you got some quality time with your family :) I can't imagine how hard that is when your children are teens.